Thai Alphabet - Middle Class Consonants Part 3 - Learn Thai from a White Guy

Thai Alphabet – Middle Class Consonants Part 3

The Thai alphabet has oodles of vowels. We need to cover more of them so you can begin to work out the names of some of the other middle class consonants.

What vowels do we know so far?


ไอ ใอ *Remember, these have the exact same sound.

เอ เอา

Let’s throw 2 more into the mix.

อุ and อู. Think of these vowels as siblings. They are essentially the same sound, but the longer shaped vowel, has um, the longer sound. Remember that the actual vowel symbols are simply ุ and ู while the is just a place holder we use to spell the vowels. Note that they go under the letter they are modifying.

While we’re at it, I should mention the long อา vowel sounds sidekick อะ. So the อ [ออ อ่าง] along with those sperm or comma-like symbols give us the short vowel อะ. This is one of those sounds you are going to need to hear. Kinda like the ‘a’ in about.

Oh and if you want to really learn the Thai script, check out my Learn Thai Inner Circle which teaches you all the core skills needed to get started in Thai.

If you aren’t looking to try my paid program, you can always sign up on the home page to get a bunch of free more in-depth lessons about the script and basic Thai phrases.  I also send out weekly downloadable pdf lessons for reading Thai signs.

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